 J&Z Education Services (J&Z) is a proud education services company founded in Silicon Valley near San Francisco in the United States. J&Z specializes in providing quality services by paying close attention to the needs and requirements of international students and their families, ensuring that they have a safe and comfortable environment and amazing studying experience during their stay in the United States.
J&Z Education Services is located in Santa Clara, CA (¡°the heart of Silicon Valley¡±). Our staff members are from both America and China.We are proud of our senior consulting team in J&Z Education Services.

- Management of international students in U.S.
- Academic support and Career planning for students
- Marketing and Recruitment for schools
- Educational tourism and interview support
Email£ºcontact@jandzeducation.com Phone£º(408£©307-8848/ (408£©307- 8668 Address£ºJ&Z Education Services£¬LLC 900 S Winchester Blvd,Suite 10 San Jose£¬CA 95128 USA